A few simple heart-touching words of thankfulness could make a huge difference. This applies to everyone: Your parents, siblings, friends, colleagues, even your boss! It is one’s duty to tell them how thankful they are when their loved one sends a gift no matter what the occasion is. Using words to show your gratitude towards your well-wisher is a great way to let people understand your thought. Here are some dazzling thank you messages, wishes, sayings for Christmas gift you can use, or you can use them for inspiration for your own message.

Your sweet gift has made my Christmas merrier and happier! I cannot thank you enough for being so kind and giving me so much joy!

The little parcel which I received from you genuinely warmed up my heart! Thank you so much! I will always remember this kind gesture of yours!

Among a hundred other gifts, your one caught my eyes at an instant and struck me with an awe of amazement! I genuinely thank you for the present!

I must say you have an eye for beauty because the gift you gave me is truly outstanding! Thank you so much for your kindness!

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sending me such a thoughtful present like this. I will use it well and think of you!

I am at a loss of words to thank you for the gift! I really wanted to get this for myself, so you are totally going to be my baby’s favorite!

Your kind heart and sweet gesture have melted my heart! I am really thankful to receive this stunning gift that will be so useful for my little one!

Thank you so much for giving a lovely and necessary gift for me and my unborn! My little princess will definitely be very fond of it!

Everyone can pick gifts from the registry but you went one step further and gave your unconditional love to the family and the baby. Thanks.

Your gift card is such a wonderful and thoughtful present. There is so much we still need to get for the baby and this gift card is just the thing we needed to help us get those items. Thank you for your generosity it’s greatly appreciated.

Thanks for all the gifts you gave me on my baby shower. I am certain that your blessings will forever be with my little flower.

Thanks for coming to my baby shower and showering me with gifts. I have really appreciated all of your support throughout my journey of pregnancy, and I am looking forward to continuing to draw on your expertise after the baby comes. You are a valuable friend and mentor to me.

Thank you, gracias, thanks, merci, thank you very much, danke, grazie, thanks a million! There are not enough ways to express my thanks to you for your wonderful gift.

Once in a while, something will make me stop and appreciate all the simple and beautiful things in my life. Your selflessness is one of those things. Thank you so much for the gorgeous gift.

It is so nice to know that I have a [friend/loved one] that, for whatever reason, took time out of their day to deliberately pick out a gift just for me. Thank you for being so generous.

You made me feel like the [king/queen] of the world today. I was so happy when I opened your present. Thank you for the time and thought you put into giving me such a wonderful gift. You are the best.

You have always been the most thoughtful gift-giver, so it comes as no surprise that you knocked it out of the park with your most recent gift! Thank you for making me feel so appreciated.

You just wait till I get my chance to thank you in person. You have made me feel so appreciated, and I cannot wait to do the same for you. Until then, thank you so much for your kindness.

I am totally overwhelmed by the gift you got me. It serves as a constant reminder that I have someone in my life that will always have my back. Thanks a lot for all you do.

Thoughtful, precious, and priceless. These are the words that come to my mind whenever I see your gift. Thank you for making not only my day, but my week and month as well!

Each time we give a gift, we are telling that person just how much their presence in our lives means. Thank you for the gift you have given me. It gives me warm, fuzzy feelings to know that I am important to you.

I cannot put into words how touched I am that you thought to get me a gift. It is perfect in every way. Thank you for being so gracious.

Knowing you put so much love and thought into such a unique present, picked just for me, means more than you will ever know. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Words fail me at this moment. There is nothing I can say or do that will adequately express how I feel about your gift. For now, I’ll just say a big fat thank you.

There are some things in life that give immediate joy, like the feeling that someone has really thought about you and your well being. Your gift made me feel like that, like I am incredibly special, and that our relationship is a treasure. Thank you for the gift.

You know you did not have to, but the fact you did anyway shows just how amazing you are. You always go out of your way for me. It means so much. Truly and deeply, thank you.

Kindness is such a rare quality, but you have it in spades. It takes an intuitive person to pick the ideal gift, to give something flawless. Thank you, my friend, for giving me just what I needed.

When I look at the gift you got me today, it almost makes me want to tear up. I love it and love you even more for getting me something so precious. Thank you for everything.

I felt just like a kid on Christmas morning again receiving your gift. Thank you for awakening my inner child and reminding me just how good life really is with friends like you. I truly appreciate the gift.

A gift is an expression of love, of meticulous attention to the details of a relationship. It is an example of something we can do to make sure they know we are thinking about them. Thank you for the magnificent gift.

Some people give out of obligation, and others because they want to see the smile on a loved one’s face. You are certainly the latter. Know that my heart has grown, and my spirit has been lifted, all because of the gift you have given me. Thank you.

Wow! I am almost lost for words at your breathtaking gift. It is just what I wanted. Please accept my sincere appreciation. I am immensely grateful to you.

People like you are the ones who deserve the absolute world. But instead, you are the ones who give to the world around you. Thank you for never failing to make me smile and for being so considerate.

I would say “thank you” a million times, but I don’t think that’s going to be enough to express the amount of joy I feel in my heart when I look at your gift. It is absolutely outstanding.

I have received your gift and want to say a huge thank you. You are such a kindhearted person to buy me something so wonderful. I will never forget how happy your gift has made me.

You have no idea how much your gift means to me. I am glad to have met someone as generous as you. Thank you a billion times and more.

Thank you so much. You have really outdone yourself. Knowing I was in your thoughts means just as much to me as this lovely gift.

If I had a genie right now, my first wish would be to build you a house made out of “thank you” cards, so everywhere you looked would remind you of how honored I am for such an astonishing gift. Thank you so much for your kindness.

What a wonderful gift you have given me! I feel so special, taking comfort in the fact that you know me so well. What a lovely and unexpected surprise. My heartfelt thanks for thinking of me.

How is it possible for one person to be this good at buying presents? I am flabbergasted. Thank you so much for this amazing gift.

I am so touched to have received such a magnificent gift from you. You mean so much to me and have made me feel loved and appreciated with this gift.

I am touched by the love and care I feel from not only receiving a gift but receiving what you chose for me. Knowing that you took the time to think about me has brought me the utmost joy. Thank you for caring.

I am so grateful for the tremendous gift you have given me. How lucky I am to know somebody that is so considerate. Thank you!

Of all the gifts in the world, I think you have found the most perfect one for me. My heart could burst with happiness when I think about having you in my life.

The far we have come, it is not the size and type of gifts that matter, but the love and compassion behind it. Through this gift, I have discovered a strong bond between us. Thank you for everything

Sending me this pricey gift was not only thoughtful but also shows my place in your life. On this day, I feel most special because of your love and kindness. Thank you!

Thank you so much, dear. I know how much I’m choosy and have a queer preference, but your gift has blown my mind, and indicated how much you know me. You are a dime!

I am out of words and choking with tears as I write this. All I can do is pass a heartfelt thank you for the spectacular gift. You truly are a blessing.

There’s a lot of things I would like to thank you for. From giving me the best in this life, to organizing my birthday party. But most of all, thank you for gifting me with the one thing I wanted this whole year. You are the best parents!

For supporting me at this past celebration and for contributing so willingly. You are constant proof that there are good people in this world.

I’m still shocked and amazed that you would go to such lengths to find out what I truly needed. In all my years, I have never received such a fulfilling birthday gift. Thanks a bunch, and I love you.

A single thank you didn’t seem enough for the gift you gave me. Many thanks for the lovely design and your generosity. It has been the most meaningful gift I have received this year.

I love the way you make me feel and the way you make me smile. I have never thanked you enough for the countless gifts. I am forever grateful

I’m still not completely over the birthday gift you gave me. Waking up to it every day is a constant reminder of what we have. With or without the gifts, I would still love and appreciate you every day. Warmest gratitude from your boyfriend.

I know fairy tales are real because I have you for life. You have the best gifts, ideas and immeasurable efforts. I don’t deserve such love. I’ll be grateful every day.

My love, even though I don’t get to say it enough times, thank you from the depth of my heart. For this gift that means the world to me, for the numerous times you have proven to be caring and for being you. Feel loved, now more than ever.

I could go to the roof and shout my lungs out telling the whole world how much I love you. This is the best gift someone has ever given me.

Everything about you leaves me speechless, especially this gift. Thank you for always keeping a smile on my face.

I cherish you deeply dear. Each day, I learn to appreciate the things I have learned through you and the gifts I have received from you. I could never imagine a life without you.

After what you have done for me, I desire to give you more than just a thank you note. But before that, feel most appreciated.

Sincerest thanks to my best friend and confidant, mostly for this priceless gift. Such a simple thank you doesn’t feel enough but just know you can always count on me.

If you ever need a friend to lean on or a shoulder to cry on, I’m just one call away. Especially for showing that you can go to such lengths to get me such presents. You are the definition of a true friend.

We officially have the same taste in (mention gift) since you got exactly what I like. Friends like you don’t come easy and I am grateful to all the time, money and effort you set apart to make all this possible.

Ever since we were small, you used to gift me with the prettiest neck-pieces and toys. Today, as we turn 20 years of friendship, you have mastered my taste and this year’s gift is nothing but a masterpiece. I simply don’t deserve this much love. Thank you!

Sometimes, I think giving is like a talent few people like you have. I am looking forward to giving you the biggest hug in the world just to say how grateful I am for the present.

Just sending you a heartfelt thank you for your wonderful Christmas gift. It was really thoughtful of you…and I appreciate it, and you, so much.

One of the brightest parts of the holidays is people like you. And your gift made it all the more special. Thank you so much!

With thanks and appreciation for your thoughtfulness at the holidays, along with a sincere wish for a wonderful year ahead.

Thank you so much for your holiday gift. It’s always a pleasure doing business with you. Here’s to a great year ahead!

Thank you so much for all the thought and energy you put into the gift you gave me. It’s wonderful…and so are you!

Wow…you really went all out on my Christmas gift. Thank you SOOOOO much!

I absolutely love what you gave me. It’s amazing…and so are you!

Thanks for thinking of me on my birthday, the card and money were perfect. I am going to use it to (whatever you are going to use it for). You truly shouldn’t have, but I’m glad you did.

Happy holidays! Thanks so much for taking the time to attend our family’s Christmas party. We know it’s a hectic time of year.

We’re overjoyed you made it to our event. It was wonderful to see you after so long and we really appreciate you coming from so far away to be there with us.

Thanks so much for the great time the other night. We loved seeing your beautiful new home and sampling your mother’s famous lasagna.

Thank you for taking me in and feeding me after my surgery. It was such a blessing to not have to worry about cooking and cleaning during my recovery. You saved the day!

Thank you ever so much for the sweet present. A box of gourmet chocolates was just what I needed to put a smile on my face.

I didn’t expect to find a huge plant on my doorstep when I got home today! Thank you so much! It’s the perfect addition to the patio.

Thanks so much for taking the time to help with Dalton’s science fair project. We’re so grateful to have a dinosaur expert in the family.

We really appreciate all you have done to help us get set up in our new apartment. Look for your housewarming party invitation once we are unpacked!

I will always remember how you helped me to get this wonderful opportunity. I can only hope that someday I’ll be in a position to repay you.

I can’t stop thinking about the creative approach to project management that you described in our meeting yesterday. Thank you for taking the time to interview me. I may be reached at 212-345-6789 if you need any further information.

I’m pleased to report that I’ve accepted an internship with Company Incorporated. Thanks again for answering my questions about the field of cloud computing and agreeing to serve as a professional reference.

I don’t think that thanking you is sufficient enough to repay you for making my day such an absolutely lovely one with this amazing gift. All the same, thank you. I am indeed indebted to you.

You have such an amazingly generous heart, and I am so grateful to you for spoiling me with your extremely fantastic gift. Thanks!

From the bottom of my heart, I am genuinely overjoyed by the stunning present you have given to me. I will never fail to remember this kind act of yours. Thanks!

I want to us this short note to give very huge thanks to you for overwhelming my world with your truly fascinating present.

I can assure you that I will always hold on to this wonderful present that you have given to me. Thanks for brightening my world with your lovely gesture.

Indeed, your benevolence is second to none, and this time around you touched the bottom of my heart with your very distinguished and lovely gift. I am genuinely gratified by the way you always try to make me very cheerful.

It is not surprising that you are such a spectacular gift-giver. Obviously this is because you are one of the kindest persons I have ever known. You inspire me to practice a lot of generosity. Thanks, dear!

If everyone practiced the level of benevolence that you practice, I don’t think there will be any needy person on this earth. Thank you for your fine gift, and may the Lord grant you many blessings.

My special day was one that brimmed with immense joy thanks to you, guys, for all the lovely and awesome presents you showered me with. The joy your gifts put into my heart will never depart from it. Thanks!

As the days go by, we tend to forget so many things in this life, but for this extremely wonderful gift of yours, I can assure you that it will forever remain in my mind. Thanks!

Your fantastic gift has truly made my day quite an extra delightful one and I thank you very much for such a great, kind and lovely gesture!

Thinking of your gift makes me feel super happy and words can’t seem to express how grateful this heart of mine is to you for such beautiful gesture.

I can’t seem to describe it, but there is indeed something that is so amazingly special about your gift. I think the word is SPLENDID! Thanks for bringing such extreme excitement to me.

You have brought so much ecstasy into my life by giving me such lovely and memorable present. I thank you endlessly from the bottom of my heart!

You multiplied my happiness and made my day an absolutely unforgettable one by presenting me with such a cute and wonderful gift. I am more than elated by your very kind gesture.

What makes me so excited about your lovely gift is the fact that it has brought a lot of smile to my face and an ocean of joy in my heart. Thanks!

You made me feel so very special by sending me such a superb present. I shall never ever forget this very kind act from you. Thanks!

Writing thank-you notes for the Christmas gifts you received. Be happy and spread happiness. Remember that your magnanimity will make them love you even more.